Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the joy of roommates =]

So when you move away and end up living with roommates you pretty much have to get out of that little comfort zone and let yourself be the person you are with your family. So naturally roommates become your second family.
The good thing about this is that you have super friends that will be super excited for you when you are excited. Talk to you when you're sad. Make you soup when you are sick. Get you hyper and awake when you dont want to be. Call or text you when they are home visiting their familys because they miss ya. haha People that will go crazy with you for no reason at all. Amazing people that will stay up for three hours laughing because both of you sound rediculous! And write down and post up the stupid phrases you say just so you wont ever live them down. My roommates are absolutly amazing and I am soo glad I got stuck with them as my family away from home. :D

1 comment:

Janda said...

You are so lucky to have roomies you love!! That is awesome!!